Chess puzzle apps have been increasingly popular for players looking to improve their skills.
Most of these apps focus on solving tactical puzzles, analyzing games, and practicing openings.
Here are some key features often included in GMG Chess apps are:
1. *Puzzle Selection*: Difficulty levels ranging from beginner to advanced.
1.1 Chess for Beginners 1 (already in the play store) - GMG Chess Beginners1: A one-move 400-chess puzzles for beginners including
1. Capturing (1-30),
2. Defending (31-50),
3. Checkmate in one (51-80 and almost 200 puzzles),
4. Double attack (81-110),
5. Pin (111-140),
6. Removing the defender (141-170),
7. Discover attack (171-200),
8. Attacking the pinned piece (201-230)
9. Mixed (231-400, mostly mate in one)
1.12 Chess for Beginners 2 - A mixed of 400-chess puzzles for beginners including: Capturing, Defending, checkmate of one and two, Double attack, Pin, Removing the defender, Discover attack, Attacking the pinned piece. (Already published in google play)
1.3 Chess for Intermediate - A mixed of 400-chess puzzles for beginners including: Capturing, Defending, checkmate of one and two, Double attack, Pin, Removing the defender, Discover attack, Attacking the pinned piece. (Already published in google play)
1.4 Chess for Intermediate 2 and Advance (Mate in 2 and 3) - Already published in google play - An exciting 400 checkmate puzzles for intermediate and advance players. (already at Play store) (already at Play store)
1.5 Chess for Advanced and Masters (Puzzles 2021 and 2022) - A mixed of super chalenging 400-chess puzzles for advanced and master players. (already at Play store) (already at Play store) (already at play store)
2. *Hints and Solutions*: With after 1-min hint which give player a suggested piece to move. Providing guidance and explanations for puzzle solutions.
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